3010 Map Projections

lectures: 2

exercises: 2

credits: 4


The students acquire the skills in the theory and practice of mapping the Earth’s ellipsoid and globe into the plane for the purpose of producing the mathematical basis for the maps at small scales, topographic maps and of geodetic computations in the projection plane.


Description of lectures:

Basic terms and equations. Scales. Linear distortion, distortion of areas, angular distortion. Tissot’s indicatrix and the principal directions. Classification of map projections. Transfer from normal aspect of a map projection to transverse and oblique aspect. Basic equations of conic, cylindrical, azimuthal, pseudoconic, pseudocylindrical and polyconic projections. Geodetic projections. Conformal projection by means of analytical functions. Isometric co-ordinates. Gauß-Krüger projection. Direct and inverse equations. Meridian convergence. Scales and distortions. Reduction of distances and directions. Co-ordinate systems in Croatia. Transformation of co-ordinates between the neighbouring systems. Mathematical basis of topographic maps of Croatia. Choosing a map projection. Computer applications.

Program of exercises:

Production of computer programs for drawing the graticule and continent contours in the given map projection. Computer-aided problem solution in Gauss-Krüger projection.


  1. Frančula, N.: Kartografske projekcije (Map Projections), Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb 2000
  2. Borčić, B.: Matematička kartografija (Kartografske projekcije) (Mathematical Cartography) (Map Projections), Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb 1955
  3. Borčić, B.: Gauß-Krügerova projekcija meridijanskih zona (Gauss-Krüger Projection of Meridian Zones), University Edition Liber, Zagreb 1976

last change: acad year 2001/2002