Prof. Dr. Sc. Tomislav Bašić:  teaching activity, course material, tutorship

Title elections:   University of Zagreb - Faculty of Geodesy, the area of technical sciences, the field of geodesy



professional assistant






assistant professor



associate professor



full professor



full professor permanently

Current teaching obligations:   University of Zagreb - Faculty of Geodesy (studies, subject, term, time-table)

university undergraduate

State Survey  (V and VI)


university undergraduate

Physical Geodesy  (V and VI)


university undergraduate

Geophysical geodesy  (VIII)


university undergraduate

State Survey – seminar  (IX)


university undergraduate

Physical Geodesy  – seminar  (IX)


postgraduate studies

Regional Research of the Earth's Shape


postgraduate studies

Determination of the Earth's Gravity at Sea


postgraduate studies

Modern Organisation of Geodesy in Croatia


1  Program and Introduction of New Subjects

1.1  Undergraduate courses

As vice-dean for scientific and professional work (1993-1995) and later on for teaching affairs (1995-1999), but also as the teacher of the Faculty, he has been actively participating in the creation of a new curriculum of the undergraduate studies that the courses at the Faculty of Geodesy have been performed according to since 1995. The studies have been radically modernised, and in the fourth year three subject-oriented fields have been introduced: Satellite and Physical Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, and Engineering Geodesy and Spatial Development. Prof. Bašić has introduced several new courses: Physical Geodesy I (the first lectures held in 1996/97), Satellite Geodesy II (the first lectures held in 1996/97), both in the thirds year of studies, and Maritime Geodesy II and Geophysical Geodesy in the fourth year of studies (1997/98) in the subject-oriented field of Satellite and Physical Geodesy. Apart from that, since the school year 1996/97 he has been lecturing the two-term course of Higher Geodesy that was changed into State Survey in the school year 2000/2001, as well as the two-term course of Physical Geodesy introducing remarkable modern approaches into all of them.  

1.2  Postgraduate studies

He is participating intensively in the creation of the new postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Geodesy that started to function with three subject-oriented fields in the school year 1997/98. In the subject-oriented filed Satellite and Physical Geodesy, T. Bašić has introduced the courses of Determining the Earth's Gravity Field at Sea, GPS in GIS (together with his colleague, Prof. Dr. Sc. Ž. Bačić) and Modern Organisation of Geodesy in Croatia, and Maritime Geodesy (together with Prof. Dr. Sc. K. Čolić). Since 2001/02002 he has been lecturing the subject Regional Research of the Earth's Shape.

2  Foundation, establishment and organisation of new laboratories

He founded a computer room in 1997 that belonged then to the Department of Higher Geodesy at the Faculty of Geodesy to be used by the subject-oriented field of the Satellite and Physical Geodesy. Later he organised for three most recent GPS satellite devices Trimble 4000 SSi to be provided with eight sets of accompanying software GPSurvey. In 2002 he provided a set of two devices Trimble 5700 for RTK-GPS measurements, and in 2003 the most recent gravimeter Scintrex CG-5, magnetometer Bartington declinometer/inclinometer and the digital level Leica DNA-03 within the frame of the scientific project financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology. As a result of his efforts, the Department for Geomatics received the donation from the prominent firm Hewlett-Packard for its computer room consisting of 10 newest graphic stations and A1 HP designjet 800 plotter. Due to the Ministry of Science and Technology, there was also A0 HP designjet 800 plotter provided. His engagement has also enabled the receipt of the donation through the firm GISDATA from the respectable firm ESRI at the beginning of the year 2004 providing 10 licences of ArcView  and Survey Analyst software. It was thus made possible for the teacher at the Department for Geomatics and the students to work independently and with high quality in the filed, as well as in the top-level equipped computer room.

3  Course material

3. 1     Ž. Bačić, T. Bašić: Satellite Geodesy II (in Croatian) (course material), Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, 1-124, Zagreb 1998.

3. 2     T. Bašić: State Survey (in Croatian) (course material), Faculty of Geodesy in Zagreb, 1-163, Zagreb 2003.

3. 3     T. Bašić: Physical Geodesy (in Croatian) (course material), Faculty of Geodesy in Zagreb, 1-142, Zagreb 2003.

4  Advisor in the work on Master's theses

4. 1     Brkić, M.: Improved Method of Modelling the Earth's Crust Mass to be Used in Geodesy and Geophysics, 1-95, University in Zagreb, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Zagreb 1994

4. 2     Šljivarić, M.: Integration of RTK GPS and Echo-Sounder into the Measuring System for the Supervision of Navigable River Routes (co-adviser), 1-107, University in Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb 2001

4. 3     Markovinović, D.: I Order Gravimetric Network and Gravimetric Calibration Base of the Republic of Croatia, 1-119, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb 2001

4. 4     Rezo, M.: Analysis of Horisontal Network Status and the Application of Transformed GPS Data to be used in the Geoinformation Systems in the Republic of Croatia, 1-143, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb 2002

4. 5     Šantek, D.: Application of RTK GPS Measurements in Cadastral Survey, 1-122, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb 2002

4. 6     Nöthig, V.: Application of Modern Geodetic Methods in the Production of GIS of Forest Economy Documents and Programs, 1-137, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb 2003.

4. 7     Mulić, M.: Analysis and Processing of the Existing GPS Measurements at the Territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1-125, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb 2003.

5  Advisor in the work on doctoral theses

5. 1     Hećimović, Ž.: Modelling of the Height System Reference Surface, 1-135, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb 2000.

5. 2     Brkić, M.: Three-dimensional Modelling of the Earth's Crust to be Used in Geodesy and Geophysics: Relief Correction in Spatial and Spectral Domain, 1-119, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Zagreb 2001.

6  Guest lecturer

6.1   Lectures in the course of Higher Geodes at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Mostar, VI/1 studies of geodesy, school year 2001/2002

6.2   Lectures in the course of Higher Geodesy I at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Sarajevo, Geodetic Department, VII/1 studies of geodesy, school year  2001/2002

6.3   Lectures in the course of Higher Geodesy I at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Sarajevo, Geodetic Department, VII/1 studies of geodesy, school year 2003/2004.






 Date of the last updating: 17 Feb 2004 Back